Tales From My D&D Campaign Wiki
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Ginaron Worker constructs

Worker constructs from Ginaron.

Polaron Worker

Worker construct from Polaron, protected by a mystical magitech shield.

Worker constructs are small constructs used in Ytarran facilities such as Ginaron and Polaron to perform basic maintenance tasks. Unlike warforged, they are purely magitechnical with no organic compounds and as such can run indefinitely if they are not destroyed. This means that they are the only maintenance units left in those few remaining Ytarran facilities not to have been discovered by treasure hunters. However, they have very little independent intelligence and must be directed constantly by a Controller in order to achieve much more than repairing obviously faulty equipment.

The ones in Ginaron are clearly non-combatants, the ones in Polaron seemed to have got an upgrade in that fashion. They are still just minions (around 1 HP) but they can be constructed to have a melee and a ranged attack (with an alternative firing method to deal Polaron charges.)
