Tales From My D&D Campaign Wiki

The world of TDDC has a pantheon of 14 deities, but different cultures have different names for them and even slightly different symbols (see table below). Most people practice a Greco-Roman style polytheism of praying to different gods for different things, to the point that most priests perform rites for multiple deities.

Table of deities' names and domains

Elf/Eladrin Kua-toa Human Dwarf Orc Other Domain
Sirius Sirius Sirius The Shield The Snitch The Watcher (Liz); Bahamut (Dragonborn) Protection and justice
Dialiah Dulua Dialiah The Maiden The Whore Nature and love. Also has power over healing.
Larethal Lakmaal Larethal Larethal Gruel Weather and harvests
Marduk Mardul Kord The Hammer Grumsh Battle and heroism
Muradin Ytaru Infernus Moradin Infernus Myr (Formians) Creativity and renewel
Delvash Dulvaz Delvash Delvash Gurg Greed, hatred and tyranny (Basics: the gods)

Darkness, tyrrany and lies (Legends: The Death Equation)

Later gained deceit and darkness (hence now in full control of darkness) from Llolth. Also gained all of Tiamat and Pelor's domains (except for the sun, which he could not withstand)

Blibaal Blibaal Baal The Dweller Baal Baal (redcaps) Slaughter, storms and the depths
Ioun Ioun Ioun The Seer --- The Raven Queen (Shadowfel) Magic and knowledge
Vecna Vecna Vecna The Liar Veca Skull King (not specified)

The Vulture (Feywild)

Secrets, lies and the undead
Pelor Pelor Pelor Pelor Gar Healing and the sun
Tiamat Tiamat Tiamat The Hydra Drakka Pride, strength and avarice. Later gained healing and the sun from Pelor
Lolth Lluth Llolth The Spider --- Darkness, treachary and the Underdark
Amarra ??? ??? ??? ??? Heaven and dreams
Asmodeus ??? ??? ??? ??? Hell and nightmares

Deceased gods

Tiamat, Lloth, and Pelor were all destroyed using The Death Equation.

Mortal forms

Back in the early days of the world, Deities used to incarnate among the mortals. This still happens on occasion, such as Delvash's time in Korstraad, but it is much less frequent. When a god incarnates, they must choose the amount of their divine power that they bring with them. The more power a mortal form has, the more damage the deity takes if the mortal form is slain (natural deaths are fine for this purpose). Also, as long as the god is in their mortal form, they lose most of their knowledge, as well as their divine senses (information gleaned from the astral sea), massively limiting their ability to improvise on their plans. They can, however, create omens for their mortal selves.


The TDDC setting also has animistic spirits, varying in power from the repentant soul of a warlord protecting an entire nation to a mouse spirit with the powers of ... a mouse. Some are anchored to a specific location or object, some can roam freely. Some are nigh invulnerable, others can be beaten up to the point that they are forced to retreat to the astral plane.

Spirits differ from gods not only in terms of power (spirits are much weaker), but also in terms of the dual nature of gods: gods have both a personality and a domain. Within their sphere of influence, the domain is omniscient but the personality is not. For example, Delvash's domain is constantly pushing people to be greedy (other gods push them in other directions). It might not do so if it would benefit Delvash (e.g. tempt somebody to return to help others rather than escape with an artifact which could harm him), but the personality would not gain knowledge of this, even if it were searching for the artifact.

A particularly noteworthy spirit is Raos, who took control of the sun after Delvash was unable to contain it. He is sometimes referred to as a demigod. Another is Ankou, demigod of the lost souls and the sanctity of death, whose clerics, The Shepherds, are tasked with hunting down and destroying undead.


Each god has a physical sanctum somewhere in one of the planes. Mortals can use them to communicate directly with them, or even temporarily kill them.
