Tales From My D&D Campaign Wiki
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The Cleansers were a group of radical nature terrorists, most of which were druids and other nature worshipers.

The Rise of the Cleansers

Shortly after the advent of druids, some of the Elves that practiced the art of druidcraft grew angry at the Ytarrans’ disregard for nature. The Ytarrans had drained many swamps for farmland, and when the seas started reclaiming the farmland, the Ytarrans constructed a great wall to hold the water at bay. This was the straw that broke the camel‘s back, the cleansers had to take action.

The Attacks

The cleansers slowly gathered allies in nature spirits and displaced awoken beasts. The first raids were conducted on Ytarran research and military facilities, but the Ytarrans were battle hardened, and they quickly adapted to the strategies the Cleansers used. Faced with this resistance and the loss of several of their best fighters, the leader of the Cleansers, Gehren Fenswale, decided that they should change focus to civilian targets to maximize impact.

The Ytarrans started requesting the Elves to stop the terrorism their people were commiting on the Ytarran people. In response the Elven King Dietrich issued the Chaparral Decree which stated: “All Cleansers and associates who have committed acts of sabotage shall be pardoned and not subject to punishment by any nation if they immediately cease their attacks on Ytarra and Ytarra’s assets and turn their leaders in to face the justice of the royal court.”

The Cleanser Rebellion

Upon hearing this Decree, the Cleansers labeled the rest of their kin “Mage Friends” for ’supporting the Yttarans’. They turned upon the monarchy and started attacking elven villages and killing many civilians and elven rangers alike. The King decided this could not stand, he ordered the rangers to evacuate villages and avoid as many casualties on both sides as possible. While this campaign of damage control was waged, King Dietrich and his friend Ader Sunglaive secluded themselves for many days and forged Glasschwert, the transparent blade. The Royal party set out to end the rebellion once and for all.


Basics: The Elves
